Rockchip Joined MWC 2011
Feb 14-17, 2011, Rockchip joined MWC 2011 in Barcelona, Spain. During the exhibition, Rockchip released first Android smart phone solution to support TD-SCDMA, can provide comprehensive reliable technical support for further strategic layout for mobile operators, and launched many kinds of 3G mobile terminals solution.

Phone powered by Rockchip 3G smart phone solution can not only support vedio call, but also can play 720P HD vedio and can connect with digital TV to output content directly from digital TV. It is relatively low-end smart phone solution can support GPRS and EDGE. The slogan of this solution is: Android Can Also Enjoy Low Cost. Customers can enjoy 3D experience without 3D glasses by Rockchip glasses-free smart phone solution.

At the exhibition, Rayhov X3 left impressive image on people. Rayhov X3, powered by Rockchip RK2818 based on Android 2.1 OS, is the first smart phone to support TD-SCDMA and support multi-touch capacitance with practical functions, target on RBM1000 mobile phone market, will launch out to market soon.
Pre:android@HongKong Rockchip Will Join CSF HK Next:Rockchip gained double awards in ICT industry